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Malta Airport uses Via Direct wayfinding solution

Via Direct at Malta Airport

To digitalize and modernise its terminal, Malta International Airport recently installed 4 “Gazelle” wayfinding kiosks equipped with customised wayfinding software.  Travellers will be able to get around the airport without getting lost, and arrive at their boarding gate on time.
Thanks to the ViaDirect wayfinding kiosks, they will be able to find the most suitable route and check the status of their flight to see how much time they have left before boarding. Simplified navigation is now available at this airport.

Information sourced from VIADIRECT


ViaDirect, fournit des solutions d'orientation 3D interactive sur bornes tactiles pour les aéroports afin de guider les voyageurs vers les portes d'embarquement, le check-in mais également les magasins, les services, les restaurants et les informations pratiques sur les...