AIA Life Designers participated in the Conference organized by Business France and AFEX “The French approach to the Sustainable & Desirable City” on November 3, as part of the economic program of France pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai. The 12 architecture agencies participants focused on “...
IBN SINA Hospital in Rabat

NOVEMBER 01, 2021, DUBAI: ENIA Architectes attended the panel discussion on ‘Building Smart, Livable and Sustainable Cities’ at the India Pavilion, Expo 2020 Dubai. The session highlighted the importance of building sustainable cities in today’s world. The ‘Urban & Rural Development Week’ also...

After signing a public service concession agreement with the Haute-Savoie department last July, VINCI Airports took over operations at Annecy Mont-Blanc airport on 1 January. VINCI Airports will therefore now manage and operate the airport for 15 years, bringing its network of French airports up to...

The aeronautical maintenance division within the French Ministry of Defense (DMAé) has awarded THALES a ten-year contract to provide through-life support for the main components (sensors, radars, operations centres, communication and information systems) of the SCCOA system. The SCCOA system is...

Architecture, Airport Design, Consulting and Engineering, Airport Construction, Operation and PPP
Groupe ADP is one of the few airport operators to be present in all aspects of the airport value chain, from upstream studies in engineering, master planning and design, to the commissioning and operation of complex infrastructure (terminals, runways, baggage sorting, etc.). It develops, operates...

La deuxième édition des Rencontres des Aéroports Français & Francophones se tiendra au Palais du Pharo, à Marseille, du mercredi 29 juin au vendredi 1er juillet 2022. Proavia participera à cet événement et aura le plaisir de vous rencontrer sur son stand.

At the last Dubai Airshow, Egis was awarded the contract with Ras Al Khaimah International Airport for the expansion of their existing terminal. Egis’ responsibility is two-fold with the initial design of the expanded terminal as well as concept design study of a new terminal that is expected to...

First-ever public-private initiative supporting aviation’s decarbonisation goals signed by over 35 European countries and 146 industry stakeholder groups in Toulouse, including the five leading European aviation associations  represented through Destination 2050    Declaration fully aligns with...

Airport Information Technology (IT)
PIXYS is a French company based in Suresnes specializing in the design of Control Rooms. PIXYS provides unique know-how in France, in organizational consulting and ergonomics missions centered on the operational functions of control rooms dedicated to supervision and command. Its consultants are...

Our members will exhibit at AIRPORT SHOW DUBAI Artelia, Egis, Groupe ADP, Guinault SA, Thales 17 - 19 May 2022