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ASECNA teams up with NIGCOMSAT and THALES ALENIA SPACE to continue developing SBAS aviation services in Africa

Latest step is a SBAS helicopter demonstration flight between Douala and Kribi in Cameroon
Douala, June 3, 2021 – The Agency for Air Navigation Safety in Africa and Madagascar (ASECNA), Nigerian Communications Satellite Ltd. (NIGCOMSAT) and Thales Alenia Space, the joint venture between Thales (67%) and Leonardo (33%), are working together to accelerate the development of SBAS (Satellite-Based Augmentation System) services for aviation in Africa.....
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Thales' portfolio of products and systems embraces air traffic control centres, airport security and video surveillance systems, Passenger control and experience, communication and navigation equipment. Airport video surveillance, navigation, air traffic management. Thales is a global...